VetCE on Demand: Needles and Nociception - How Acupuncture Helps Modulate Pain utilizes the archive of a live presentation under the same name.
This course briefly reviews pain pathways and nociception to form the foundation for theories of how acupuncture, and associated modalities, may modulate pain. A history of acupuncture and the Five-Element Theory are introduced to outline an Eastern approach. It will compare individual case management vs. a broader-based Western treatment approach. Bi Syndromes and additional modalities, such as aquapuncture, electrostimulation, moxibustion, etc., are included to provide a more complete picture of acupuncture and pain management. Rescue points, acupuncture and anesthesia, contraindications, as well as how to get started with acupuncture are addressed.
After completion of this course, the student should be able to:
- describe how acupuncture may modulate pain relative to Gate Theory and endogenous endorphin
- list Bi Syndromes and explain how these syndromes influence individual pain management
- describe the use of additional acupuncture modalities such as aquapuncture, electrostimulation, and moxibustion for pain modulation