RACE Approved Interactive For Veterinary Technicians/Nurses

Course meets the requirements for 12 RACE hours of continuing education credit for veterinary technicians in jurisdictions which recognize AAVSB's RACE approval. However, participants should be aware that some boards have limitations on the number of hours accepted in certain categories and/or restrictions on certain methods of delivery.

RACE Subject Category: Medical; Delivery Method: Interactive Distance; Program Number 742663.

This course requires employment at a practice to complete one or more assignments.


Course Focus - Learning Objectives - Completion Requirements

Veterinary Nursing: Small Animal Anesthesia Patient Prep and Pharmacology provides an overview of anesthesia concepts, initial patient preparation considerations, and the pharmacology of anesthesia and analgesia. This course is designed as an initial starting point for practice team members who wish to strengthen their anesthesia and analgesia knowledge and skills. Although this course carries RACE credits for technicians only, it is beneficial for veterinarians who wish to re-familiarize themselves with these core concepts.

Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:

  • define anesthesia and differentiate topical, local, regional, general and surgical anesthesia
  • explain the concept of balanced anesthesia and the advantages of this approach
  • describe fundamental challenges and risks associated with anesthesia
  • list the reasons for preoperative patient evaluation and outline the components of a minimum patient database
  • analyze patient signalment, body weight, and patient condition and apply to the selection and use of anesthetic agents and adjuncts
  • assign a patient to one of the five physical status classifications as specified by the American Society of Anesthesiologists
  • explain why intravenous (IV) catheterization is advisable for anesthetized patients and describe the types and purposes of IV fluids
  • differentiate agonists, partial agonists, agonist-antagonists, and antagonists based on their action and effect and list anesthetics and adjuncts that can be reversed
  • list anesthetic agents and adjuncts commonly used as preanesthetic medications, and describe their indications, mode of action, effects, adverse effects, and use
  • list injectable anesthetic drugs in common use and describe their indications, mode of action, effects, adverse effects, and use
  • define dissociative anesthesia, describe the actions and effects of dissociative anesthetics, and explain ways in which these drugs differ from other injectable anesthetics
  • list the inhalation anesthetic agents in common use, and describe their indications, mode of action, effects, adverse effects, and use
  • explain the pain pathway and the consequences of untreated pain
  • describe how to recognize, and assess, pain-associated behaviors in animals
  • compare and contrast major types of pain assessment tools
  • list the adverse effects of opioid drugs
  • list the uses for, and explain the adverse effects of, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • outline the benefits of multimodal analgesia
  • list the advantages and disadvantages, along with the risks and adverse effects, associated with the use of local anesthetic agents and explain the ways in which local anesthetic agents may be used
  • discuss nursing care that relieves discomfort in hospitalized patients and explain the need for home care analgesia

Completion requirements:

Instructor Graded Interactive Critical Thinking and Case Study Assignments: Designed to help the participant apply the newly learned skills and knowledge via implementation focused and patient based scenarios

Course Examination: Must be submitted with a score of 80% or better, multiple attempts

Course Survey

A certificate of completion is provided.


How Does the Enrollment Process Work?

This course is designed to be as schedule friendly as possible as we understand it can be hard to fit interactive CE into an already busy life. Open enrollment allows students to enroll in this course at any time.

Once the course payment transaction has been submitted, we will receive a notification of enrollment. In addition, the student will be sent a couple of "heads up" emails. The payment receipt will be sent to the email address designated in the payment page of the shopping cart, by the person who paid.

There is a post-payment manual process we must complete in order to add the new student to the course.

Completing enrollments as quickly as possible is a priority but it can take a full 24 hours, especially on weekends and holidays. Once fully enrolled. the student will be sent a course welcome email containing important information, including how to access and log into the course.


Personal Completion Deadline

This is an asynchronous course. Students are not expected to be logged into the course at any specific times as there are no real time lectures or requirements.

Students have 12 weeks from the date of payment to meet all completion requirements. The course welcome email will specify the student's personal completion deadline. If the student has not met the completion requirements by the deadline, they will be processed out of the course and graded as incomplete.

But What If Something Comes Up?

There are times when unforeseen situations interfere with a student's ability to complete by the deadline. In that case, an email to VetMedTeam, as soon as such a situation arises, will allow us to offer the best possible options.


Technology Requirements

Reading content within the course is provided via PDF therefore the ability to download files and open PDFs is required.

It is recommended that participants utilize a program such as MS Word to create, and save, their assignment submission to their computer. Then the information can be pasted into the assignment submission area.


Participant Feedback

When asked what aspects of the course liked best some responses were:

... I really liked the review of anesthetic drugs. I work primarily with cats and birds of prey so it was a nice refresher to see. Plus i really liked all the multimodal aspect of combining so many things to help with patients pain.

... In my opinion this instructor went above and beyond to make sure students understand the materials present. She provided multiple resources that are unbelievable. My hats off the the time she puts in. The book was a most valuable resource, in my opinion you would not be able to take the course efficiently without it.

... I liked the case studies, the ability to apply what I learned from the course in a practical manner.

...I liked the case studies. Allowed us to actually test ourselves to see if we could translate the material from the text into real life anesthetic senarios.

...The feedback from the instructors was excellent and straight to the point, which I really appreciated.

...Information was very thorough and applicable to me as a surgery technician

...Asking to give examples from my job. I just got a new job and so this was helpful to learn their protocols.

...The quick and well thought out feedback from the instructor


Course Instructor

Jody Nugent-Deal, RVT, VTS (Anesthesia/Analgesia), VTS (Clinical Practice-Exotic Companion Animal)Jody Nugent-Deal, RVT, VTS (Anesthesia/Analgesia), VTS (Clinical Practice-Exotic Companion Animal)

Jody Nugent-Deal is a Registered Veterinary Technician and Veterinary Technician Specialist (VTS) in Anesthesia/Analgesia and Clinical Practice – Exotic Companion Animal. She has worked for the UC Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital since 1999, working in the Companion Exotics Department for 10 years and currently the Anesthesia Department where she is the supervisor.

She is a founding member of the Academy of Veterinary Technicians in Clinical Practice and currently serves as the executive secretary for the group as well as the appeals committee chair. Jody is also an active member with the Academy of Veterinary Technicians in Anesthesia and Analgesia having served on the nominations, credentials, and appeals committees. Currently she serves as the President for the AVTAA as well as the appeals committee chair.

Jody is passionate about teaching and life-long learning. She recently started her own company where she provides CE via online webinars and in-clinic hands-on training. She regularly lectures for VSPN and VetMedTeam, teaching anesthesia, analgesia, and exotic animal medicine. Jody has had the opportunity to lecture throughout North America since 2000 on anesthesia and various exotic animal topics as well as publishing numerous articles and book chapters for both canine/feline and exotic animal medicine and
anesthesia topics.



Price: $169.00 USD

Practices may enroll individual team members. To learn how to assign a specific team member to a course, please visit the Assigning Students page.

Please use this link to view the Withdrawal Policy for this course.