Course Closed November 23, 2023

This course is closed to enrollments.


Continuing Education Credits

Course meets the requirements for 1 RACE hours of continuing education credit for veterinary technicians and veterinarians in jurisdictions which recognize AAVSB's RACE approval. However, participants should be aware that some boards have limitations on the number of hours accepted in certain categories and/or restrictions on certain methods of delivery.

RACE Subject Category: Medical; Delivery Method: Non-interactive Distance; Program Number 748089.


Course Focus and Learning Objectives

This offering is based on an article published and provided by Veterinary Practice News.

It focuses on identifying signs of pain in zoological companion animals, what analgesic options are available, and dosages based on current research. It includes images demonstrating varying species that are painful or have been provided analgesia. Broad groups of zoological companion animals are covered including birds, exotic companion mammals, and reptiles.

After completion of this course, the student should be able to:

  • identify signs of pain in avian, reptilian, and exotic companion mammal species
  • discuss recommendations for appropriate analgesic agents that would be effective for different avian, reptilian, and exotic companion mammalian species
  • outline common types of analgesic agents administered to zoological companion animal species


Open Enrollment with Immediate Access and Individual Time Limits

This is an open enrollment course. Participants may enroll at any time. Upon submission of enrollment the participant is immediately added to the course. The course welcome email provides login and other important information.

This is an asynchronous course, meaning it does not contain real time components. Participants do not need to be logged into the course at specific times to attend lectures or view presentations.

Participants do not need to complete the course in one sitting. However, students who do not access the course within 30 days of last access will be processed as incomplete. Any activity within the course will reset to the full 30 days time allotment.

Participants who are unable to complete a course may re-enroll at their convenience providing the course is still available.


Article Authors

Miranda Sadar, DVM, DACZM and Rachel Baden, DVM


Completion Requirements

The completion requirements for this course are:

  • complete the examination with a score of 80% or better - multiple attempts are permitted
  • submit the course survey

Upon submission of the final completion requirement, the participant will automatically be marked as completed and the course completion email will be sent out. The participant will have immediate access to the certificate.


Course Fee

Price: FREE